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The Deconstruction of Human Moral Values in The Novel Rahwana Putih by Sri Teddy Rusdy
Tri Astuti- Zuriyati- Ninuk Lustyantie

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia


The deconstruction of human moral values in the novel Rahwana Putih by Sri Teddy Rusdy containing the noble teachings of Sastrajendra Hayuningrat Pangruwating Diyu in Javanese philosophy needs to be studied so that it can be understood by readers. The truth of the value of deconstructed works is based on the arguments built into the work and the norms used. The results of this study can be used for character education and students^ critical thinking. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Derrida^s deconstruction research design: 1) looking for major themes of Ravana Hitam (Ramayana Walmiki) to find traces contained in old norms, 2) finding binary opposition as black and white practice, 3) finding ambiguity, 4) building new constructs (Rahwana Putih) based on new norms. The results of research on the deconstruction of human moral values in the novel Rahwana Putih against Ramayana Walmiki, including 1) the essence of life and life is the perfection of life against the essence of life and life is love, 2) a noble nation because its people live peacefully against a noble nation because its people are ready to die in war, 3) women are easy to conquer versus women are difficult to conquer, 4) the country is based not on justice versus the country is based on justice, and 5) marriage in an illicit relationship always causes havoc versus marriage, forbidden relationships do not always cause disaster.

Keywords: human moral values, Javanese philosophy, and deconstruction

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

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