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WhatsApp & YouTube: Friends of Biology Learning Media During the Pandemic
Syarif Rizalia1*, Andi Nurannisa Syam1, Widi Cahya Adi2

1. IAIN Kendari-
2. Walisongo State Islamic University of Semarang.


This study was aims to find out a learning media that are effective and efficient to use during the pandemic. Sources of data in this study were students of semester 4 of the 2019/2020 academic year of the biology tadris^s departement, IAIN Kendari, which programmed biology learning media courses. The research method used is the expost facto method, which reveals an event that has taken place based on the response from the research data source . The research instrument used was an e-form that was created using the google form feature, and was filled in by students at the end of the semester. The data from this study were processed using descriptive analysis techniques and SWOT . The results showed that 51.72% of students were not very proficient in using the WhatsApp & YouTube platforms, but 51.72% of students stated that these two platforms were an efficient learning alternative to use during the pandemic, especially in biology learning media courses. 65.52% of students stated that the two platforms were less effective to use because of the unstable internet connection and the high selling price of data packages in their respective regions, so it could be concluded that the WhatsApp & YouTube platforms were an alternative learning media that was efficiently used during the pandemic, but less effective in use in areas where the internet connection is less stable and the selling price of data packages is expensive.

Keywords: WhatsApp & YouTube, Biology Learning Media, Pandemic

Topic: Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Syarif Rizalia)

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