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Online Learning Design as an university course, is it necessary? A study regarding postgraduate program student perceptions at Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Anugrah- Nurdin Ibrahim- Moch Sukardjo

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The rapid development of science and technology causes learning issues to continue to grow along with the shift in recent learning orientation which is more inclined towards online learning. Educational technology as one of the applied sciences whose focus on solving learning issues gears up the students to become educational practitioners who have the competence to design online learning. Then, how did the students perceive the implementation of online learning design as a college course? This research was aimed to describe student perceptions toward online learning design as a college course and carried out by involving Online Learning Design 112th semester students in the Educational Technology Masters Degree Program. The survey results conducted by distributing the questionnaires proved that students strongly agreed that the Online Learning Design subject was something important and needed. They also proclaimed positively that the subject was useful and could be applied in their daily basis as instructional designers. As a provision as an instructional designer aside from having basic competence about how to do learning design, it is also necessary to have the ability to master technology devices as a tool to deliver the learning materials.

Keywords: Online Learning- Online Learning Design- Educational Technology- Student Perceptions- Blended Learning- PEDATI

Topic: Education

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