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Communication Business Model for Empowerment Woment Entrepreneur in Bekasi
Nada Arina Romli1, a) and Lukman Hakim2, b)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study examines customer of the Paket Masa Depan product (PMD) bank grameen program initiated by Islamic Banking. Paket Masa Depan products (PMD) are products providing capital financing and business knowledge to a poor women^s business group without collateral. The collateral used in PMD is trust between group members in Indonesian called joint responsibility. The purpose of this study was to analyze the communication patterns carried out by islamic banking management in increase motivation the women with low financial literacy and education for become entrepreneur. This research qualitative research, with a constructivist paradigm, and a research approach using case studies and analyse by the symbolic interation by George Herbert Mead. The unit of analysis of this research is a semi-structured interview with islamic banking management and literature of islamic banking^s financial reporting and news report. The results of the research revealed that The communication model applied to PMD Customers for increase motivation become entrepreneurship is carried out with various tools including interpersonal communication from sales representative with meeting groups twice in a month and group communication in the form of training for PMD customers, and exhibition for promoting their product to funding customer.

Keywords: Communication- Model- Empowerment- village- Women- Islamic- Bankin

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Nada Arina Romli)

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