Implementation of the Adiwiyata Mandiri School Program (Study at SD in the city of Tanggerang) Bedjo Sujanto, Suparno Eko Widodo, Mahruf Budiharsojo
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Implementation of the Adiwiyata Mandiri School Program (Study at SD in the city of Tanggerang)
This research was conducted in the city of Tanggerang in elementary schools which have implemented the Adiwiyata Mandiri program. This study used a qualitative approach, the CIPP evaluation model. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The research results of the Adiwiata Mandiri School program are in accordance with the standards and criteria for the Adiwiata School program. The results of this study explain: 1) Adiwiyata School Program already has clear legal principles and objectives. 2) Available school resource support, including the organizational structure and qualifications of the person in charge of the program, program implementation procedures and program financing and government support are categorized as having met the standards or criteria. 3) The program has been implemented in accordance with the program objectives. 4) The results of the program implementation for schools, the beneficiary community and the government in general are categorized as very large for benefits and for environmental conservation. And this program must be maintained and developed for other schools that have not participated in the Adiwiyata program