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Ahmad Sunardi (a), Teguh Supriyanto (b), Fathur Rokhman (b), Agus Nuryatin (b)

Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal
Universitas Negeri Semarang


The high value of a literary work is not only the beauty of writing, but must have a role in real world problems through language arts. Language is a part of culture that has influence and power on its users. As a culture, language records and appreciates social problems including terrorism events that exist in the world and especially in Indonesia. The problem of terrorism which is sown by radicalism must be eradicated and prevented from an early age in a comprehensive manner, including through literary works.
This research is a qualitative research with a sociolinguistic approach. The object of study is the novel Demi Allah Aku Seorang Teroris by Demian Dematra and the novel Naksir Anak Teroris by Aries. The method used is dialectic.
Deradicalization in the novel Demi Allah Aku Seorang Teroris is that someone who commits terror can still be corrected and brought back to the right path. The deradicalization process was carried out by Prakasa to Kemala, Kemala returned to the right path, and even spread kindness and knowledge to the public about anti-terrorism. Meanwhile, the novel Naksir Anak terorist gives a message that society must also learn so that it is not easy to accuse someone of being a terrorist, and this requires deradicalization education in society. Isson as the main character in this novel is very disadvantaged by being labeled a terrorist family and this can be used as a reflection for today^s society to be careful about labeling other people as heretical or terrorist. The conclusion is that radicalism as the origin of terrorism can be prevented and minimized through deradicalisation in a literary work.

Keywords: Deradicalization- Contemporary Novels- Terrorism

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (AHMAD SUNARDI)

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