English for Specific Purposes Department of Geography in the Era of Disruption based on Needs Analysis Nila Kencana, Emzir and Ratna Dewanti
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Learning English for the Special Purpose of the Department of Geography at Hazairin University has not provided significant benefits to students, as indicated by unsatisfactory learning outcomes. This is partly due to inappropriate teaching materials. This study aims to analyze the needs of lecturers and students for e-learning-based English for Special Purpose (ESP) teaching materials that are suitable for students majoring in Geography in the current era of disruption. This study was conducted in the Department of Geography, Hazairin University Bengkulu by using a qualitative descriptive method. The samples are English lecturers who teach English courses in the Geography Department and Geography Department students who take one class of English courses. The data from this study were obtained from the results of questionnaires and observations. This study was conducted to obtain data and recommendations in formulating appropriate English language teaching materials for students of the Department of Geography based on e-learning. In this needs analysis, the authors summarize the needs analysis as a construct consisting of three components, namely Target Situation Analysis (AST), Current Situation Analysis (ASS), and Learning Situation Analysis (ASP). The results of this study indicate that students and lecturers want appropriate teaching materials, according to the needs of the geography department to support the academic process and for the needs when they have worked and can be used by lecturers to adjust to the era of all-digital disruption with e-learning-based teaching materials.
Keywords: Teaching Materials, English for Specific Purposes, Era of Disruption