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Analysis The Effect of Organizational Culture And Work Satisfaction on forming organizational citizen behavior among employee in the corporation of X through the mediation of organizational commitment
Rizki Firdausi Rachma Dania



In the year of 2019, Indonesia government has target to incrase GDB over 4% from tourism sector. This plan would also affect the growth over hotel industry. According to Hariyadi B Sukamdani, the leader of Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), in order to support the government plan, the hotel industry need to build more new units.
The growth of hotel industry will affect the competition among companies in this industry. One of the company who moves in this industry is corporation of X. In order to face the competition, the corporation of X should increase the quality of worker performance, especially to those employees who meet directy with costumer.

The performance of employees could be increased if they want to do extra role behind their workload. Thus this research focus to analyze the effect of organization culture and job satisfaction to organizational citizen behavior through the mediation of organization comitment. . The research method used is survey method, population used are all employee who work in the hotel of the said corporation. The sampling technique used technique of purposive sampling as many as 108 people. Based on resarch it known that organizational commitment can mediate the influence of organizational culture and job satisfaction onf forming organizational citizenship behavior among the employees in the corporation of x

Keywords: Organizational citizen behaviour, organizational commitment, human resources, organizational culture

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

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