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The Effectiveness of Drama Teaching Materials In Enhancing ELT Students^ Speaking Ability
Azhariah Rachman, Ilza Mayuni, Emzir

Universitas Haluoleo, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study aims to measure the effectiveness of a drama teaching material for students at English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Halu Oleo University Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia. The method applied in this study was quantitative research by collecting data. Data were collected by using available instruments such as pre-test and post-test and class observation. This study is expected to answer the question, to what extent the effectiveness of drama teaching materials developed for students to improve their skills, more importantly in speaking, specifically in the area of voice, pronunciation and fluency as well as improvisation. The population samples were taken from first and second-year students of English Department who took drama subject. They were grouped based on their academic performance, and their English fluency and acquisition. The research analysis was conducted by using rubric to process the pre-test and post-test data. The results of final analysis suggested that the drama teaching materials presented were effective in increasing students^ ability in improving their speaking skills.

Keywords: effectiveness, drama, teaching material, elt students, speaking skills

Topic: Education

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