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Integrating Feedback and Process Approach in Teaching Paragraph Writing in EFL Context
Rita Handayani (a*), Yumna Rasyid (b), Ninuk Lustyantie (b)

a) Graduate School, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
b) Graduate School, Jakarta State University Indonesia


Many studies have been proved the effectiveness of either process approach or feedback toward the students^ writing achievement. However, many earlier studies used these approach and technique separately, and used feedback mainly to improve students^ grammatical accuracy in writing. This study investigated how the combination of process approach and feedback was implemented in teaching paragraph writing which focusing on the content and organization of students^ writing and how the students^ response to it. This study employed a case study research design which used three data collection including observation, interview, and students^ text. The result showed that the provision of feedback in the process writing approach was potential to be applied in teaching writing. Most students considered the provision of feedback in process writing is very important since it can facilitate their learning difficulties, beneficial in organizing their ideas and focusing their paragraph writing.

Keywords: : Feedback, process approach, paragraph writing, and EFL writing

Topic: Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Rita Handayani)

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