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Culture of Tolerance in the Speech act of the Japanese People in Unpleasant Atmosphere
1. Radhia Elita 2. Sri Wahyuni 3. Darni Enzimar Putri 4. Nia Kariyani

Japanese Departmnet
Faculty of humanities
Andalas University


Mastering the cultural elements of speech is important in learning foreign languages. Likewise, studying Japanese which has its own characteristics, which is always paying attention to the element of tolerance for feelings in not speaking. This element of tolerance is known as hairyo hyougen. However, whether the hairyo hyougen element still exists when an angry speech act occurs or not is a question that requires an answer. For this reason, research is necessary. So that foreign speakers will have insight into the verbal behavior of Japanese society, as one of the competencies to engage in the world of work or business related to Japan. The research method used is a qualitative method because the research data is in the form of words or phrases and utterances. This method is used because the purpose of the qualitative method is to find the meaning of the analyzed data so that it can explain the facts in depth and clearly. The research found several forms of variation in the expression of speech acts in an unpleasant / angry atmosphere of Japanese society which is very useful for Japanese learners.

Keywords: Speech Act, Culture of tolerance, Hairyo hyougen

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

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