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Digital and Online Learning Skills of FKIP - UT Students in the Covid-19 Era
Della Raymena Jovanka (a*), Siti Aisyah (b), Udan Kusmawan (c), Dian Novita (d)

Universitas Terbuka Indonesia


The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic that hit almost all regions in the world, including Indonesia, resulted in significant changes in the learning process. Learning that was previously held through face-to-face meetings must be done online. Of course, many obstacles were found in the field when the learning process was carried out. This study aims to evaluate the digital and online learning skills of FKIP UT students and find the appropriate patterns of fostering their skills according to the characteristics of the area where they live. Besides, the obstacles experienced by each student also determine the appropriate way of coaching. This research will describe the real conditions of the teachers when participating in online learning during the Covid-19 period, as well as the mapping of student characteristics based on their geographical conditions and technical constraints. The method used in this research is a survey using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed and distributed to all FKIP - UT students who took part in the webinar tutorial and online tutorial organized by UT. The number of respondents in this study was 32,553 people, consisting of 6964 men and 25,589 women. The results of this study are that 60% of respondents said that it was their first time accessing online learning, 61% living in rural areas, with an income of less than 500 thousand per month as much as 42%. Students access online learning as much as 79% from home, 13% from offices, and 8% from internet cafes and other places.

Keywords: digital learning, online learning, students, covid-19, open and distance education

Topic: Education

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