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Development of a Hypercontent Print Module for Leadership Subjects at SMA Fitrah Islamic World Academy Bogor
Hendri Eka Jaya Putra- Robinson Situmorang- Suyitno Muslim

Fitrah Islamic World Academy (FIWA School)
Univeritas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)
Univeritas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)


The purpose of this study was to produce a printed module for hypertcontent-based leadership subjects for senior high school students in grade XI. The methodology used is the method of research and development, and in its development using the Rowntree model. The hypercontent print module combines hypertext, hypertmedia and hypertlink into one part that can enrich the content of the material in this print module, to be able to access material online using QR-Code so that it can clarify and make interesting the contents of the module material. From the results of preliminary observations of 20 students regarding the need for a printed leadership lesson module, it was found that 90% said they needed a printed leadership lesson module. There are three stages in this research, namely (1) the planning stage, (2) the writing preparation stage, (3) the writing and editing stage. The results of the validation by the experts showed that the average material expert test was 3.43 and the media experts were 3.14. Furthermore, after repairing the product, an individual trial was carried out involving 3 respondents with the face to face method, the average was 3.39, and the field trial obtained an average of 3.5. The conclusion from the results of this study shows that the hypercontent print module is already good, thus the hypercontent print module for leadership subjects is suitable for learning at Fitrah Islamic World Academy Bogor High School.

Keywords: research and development, printed materials, rowntree models, hypercontent module, QR code

Topic: Education

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