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Utilization of calcium carbonate and carbide waste as an alternative cement substitute
Lisa Febriani (1*), Desi Sandy (1*), Suryanti R. Tonapa (1*), Pebrinar R. Sangle (1*)

1) Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus


PCC cement is the main ingredient in the process of making fresh concrete, which is also a non-renewable natural material. In the future, it is necessary to replace cement that is environmentally friendly. In this study, calcium carbonate and carbide waste will be used as a substitute for partial cement. Calcium carbonate (CC) and carbide waste (CW) used in this study will be combined, by setting calcium carbonate as the fixed variation and carbide waste as the free variation. The variation of calcium carbonate used is 12% and the variation of carbide waste used is 4%, 5% and 6%, all percentages are taken based on the weight of cement. From the results of the compressive strength test, there was an increase of 4.9% in the CC+4% CW samples, the flexural strength test showed an increase of 5.36% in the CC+4% CW samples and the split tensile strength test showed an increase of 3,03% for the CC+4% CW specimen, all of the CC+0% CW samples. Based on the results of this test, the use of calcium carbonate and carbide waste can be used as an alternative to cement substitute materials in making concrete.

Keywords: calcium carbonate, carbide waste, environmentally friendly, PCC

Topic: Renewable Energy

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