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Optimum Value of Compressive Strength and Tensile Strength in Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) Variations in Chicken Eggshell Substitution
Nasruddin, Victor S., Pratiwi M.

Universitas Hasanuddin


In the development of a country like Indonesia, which is a developing country and is increasing its development, primarily in the infrastructure sector, therefore the use of building materials such as concrete is also an increasing demand. As a result of the large number of uses of concrete, it shows that the increasing need for concrete in construction in the future. This has led to the need for innovation regarding the concrete itself and developments in concrete technology. The decreasing number of experts led to the need for a self-compacting concrete mixture that only required a few experts to work on it and high quality concrete was obtained. The strength of SCC concrete is very important in building structures. To achieve the planned strength of the SCC concrete, the amount of cement needed is important. Cement in Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) is very important because it acts as an adhesive between coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. The use of substitutes for cement in concrete mixtures has been widely practiced, especially the use of both organic and inorganic waste materials. One of the many wastes that we can easily find in Indonesia is eggshell waste. The purpose of this discussion is to analyze the optimum value of compressive strength and tensile strength in the SCC variation of chicken egg shell substitution. The research method used in this research was experimental method which was carried out at the structural laboratory of the Department of Architecture, Hasanuddin University. Quantitative research with experimental based on two variables (age and concrete curing) was also used as the research method. The data were obtained from the test specimen by measuring compressive strength and tensile value of the concrete with a Universial Testing Machine (UTM). The data analysis method used in the research was comparative analysis by using tabulations and charts. The results showed that the optimum value of concrete compressive strength can be achieved

Keywords: Compressive Strength, Tensile Strength, Eggshell, Substitution

Topic: Material Science and Health Community Services

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