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In vitro shoot multiplication of Morus nigra by combinations of plant growth regulators
S H Larekeng, M A Arsyad, A Meliyana, M Restu

Faculty of Forestry Universitas Hasanuddin


Mulberry (Morus nigra L) is a dicotyledonous plant in the family Moraceae which often used for silkworms^ breeding. Mulberry propagation still uses conventional technology, such as cuttings and graftings. The problem of mulberry propagation is the low productivity of mulberry gardens. However, tissue culture is a technique of isolating plant parts in the form of organs, cell tissues, and protoplasms that is effective and efficient in order to get uniform and superior plants in a short amount of time. For mulberry growth, the right combination of the Plant Growth Regulator (PRG) in the form of Kinetin, IAA, IBA is needed. Data were analyzed using R-statistic software. The results showed that M6 media (MS + Kinetin 1.5 + 1 IAA) was the best combination of media for the number of shoots, leaf length, and number of roots, with 80% of live explant percentage. Propagation via tissue culture such as clonal propagation, organogenesis, and somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures followed by generation of shoots/plantlets represents a potential effective propagation method in the future.

Keywords: Morus nigra L, In Vitro, Kinetin, IAA, IBA

Topic: Sustainable Development

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Siti Halimah Larekeng)

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