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Spatial Mapping of Aedes Sp. Densities and Endemicity Level of DHF in Three Villages in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Hasanuddin Ishak1, Anwar Mallongi1, Agus B Birawida1, Syahribulan2

1 Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health- 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University


The study aim to analyze the spatial map of the density of Aedes sp., and to analyze the relationship between environmental factors (temperature, humidity, mosquito netting) and mosquito densities in Makassar City, Maros and Gowa Cities.
The research method used an ecological study design. In this study, surveys of larvae, ovitrap and Lighttrap were be used to measure the density of Aedes sp in Paccerakkang Village, Makassar City, Bontoa Village, Maros City and Jenetallasa Village in Gowa City. Mosquitoes were killed with chloroform and identified using the identification key Huang (1979). Data processing using SPSS version 22 and Arview GIS 10.5.
The results showed that the Larva and Ovitrap survey methods were specific measured the density of Dengue vectors of Aedes aegypti while the Light Trap method was not specific. There was a significant relationship between temperature, humidity and egg density and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in three DHF endemic sub-districts- except humidity and mosquito density was not significant in Bontoa Village, Maros Regency (p> 0.05). There was no significant relationship between the wire netting factor and the density of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the three DHF endemic sub-districts except for the mosquito density there was a significant relationship in Bontoa Village, Maros Regency.

Keywords: Aedes, GIS, Mosquito Density, Air Temperature, Humidity

Topic: Material Science and Health Community Services

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Prof dr. Hasanuddin Ishak, MSc, PhD)

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