Estimation of carbon stock on palm oil (Elaeis guinensis Jacq) in PT. Unggul Widya Teknologi Lestari Kabupaten Pasangkayu, Sulawesi Barat L Asrul (a*), Rafiuddin (b), G Randa (b)
1 Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
2 Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
The expanding development of oil palm plantations has played a major role in the economy and in improving the welfare of the Indonesian people, but faces major challenges, especially regarding environmental issues, namely the level of carbon emissions generated from this oil palm cultivation. But oil palm is a plant that has a great ability to absorb carbon and store it as a metabolic source for plant growth. This study measuring the potential carbon stocks and uptake of CO2-eq of oil palm plants using non-destructive method with allometric equation. The calculation of carbon stock was carried out on five samples of plant age (planting year). The results of carbon reserves and the potential for CO2-eq uptake at PT. Unggul Widya Teknologi Lestari Baras II Estate shows that the greatest potential is found at the planting age of 15 years (planting year 2005) with a carbon reserve of 7,598 tons and a potential COuptake2-eqof 27,353 tons, while the smallest potential is found at the age of 3 years of oil palm ( planting year 2017) with carbon stock of 343 tons and the potential for absorption of CO2-eq amounted to 1,257 tons. The content of carbon reserves and the potential for COuptake2-eqin oil palm is influenced by the age of the plant and also the area of land planted for each plant age so that it supports the continuity of oil palm productivity and the oxygen capacity generated to the environment is getting bigger