Geoelectrical Resistivity and Geochemical Method for Groundwater Investigation in the Coastal Sediment Asnur Azis (a), Ulva Ria Irfan (b*), Ilham Alimuddin (b)
a) Graduate Student of Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin, Gowa 92119, Indonesia.
b) Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin, Gowa 92119, Indonesia.
*E-mail: ulvairfan[at]
New study on the use of geoelectrical resistivity methods, coastal sediment properties, and geochemical analysis for the delineation and mapping of heavy metals in aquifer systems are presented in this research. A total of 3 surveys geoelectrical resistivity lines with the Wenner Schlumberger configuration were carried out to determine the subsurface characteristics. Geochemical analysis was performed on sediment samples obtained from 3 selected locations. Based on the results of data analysis, the concentration of Cd (0.94-2.42 mg / kg) was found to be higher in the northern part and the concentration of Cr (4.39-72.98 mg / kg), Ni (12.11-47.69 mg / kg) and Co (7,19-12,86) were found to be higher in the southern part of the study site. While, the distribution of heavy metals in the northern and southern parts of the distribution of Cd, Cr, Ni and Co metals was relatively high while in the middle is low. Geochemical analysis of sediment samples shows that in the resistivity zone (<20 ohm-m) the concentrations of Cd and Cr are relatively high. Starting from the mid to northwest zone, the resistivity values appear to be low. While resistivity values of more than 40 ohm-m can be interpreted as an aquifer zone. Therefore, it can be concluded that the possibility of heavy metal zones in the aquifer system is easily described by the geoelectrical resistivity distribution presented in the form of a depth section.
Keywords: Geoelectrical Resistivity- Groundwater- Heavy Metals- Geochemistry- Coastal Sediment
Topic: Material Science and Health Community Services