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The characteristics of stomata and chloropyll content of Gofasa leaves (Vitex cofassus Reinw) based on the growth phase and canopy position
S A Paembonan, S H Larekeng, S Millang

Faculty of Forestry , Universitas Hasanuddin


Stomata characteristics and chlorophyll content in leaves are the two main elements of leaf physiology factors that have a big role in determining the photosynthetic capacity of a tree. Knowledge of the physiological properties of these leaves determines the proper silvicultural treatment in the management of stands. This research aims to analyze the characteristics of leaf stomata and the dynamics of chlorophyll content based on the direction of the canopy and the growth phase of the tree as well as its relationship with the environmental factors where it grows. This research was carried out in 3 different locations, namely in Gowa Regency (153 m asl), Kajang (Bulukumba 76 m asl), and Makassar city (12 m asl). The research variables analyzed consisted of the number of epidermal cells, leaf stomata characteristic, and chlorophyll content of gofasa leaves. The highest average number of stomata was found in leaves exposed to sunlight in the east parts of the canopy with a total of 334,200 stomata/mm2 compared to shade leaves with 224,333 stomata/mm2, while the tree phase level was 265,566 stomata/mm2 compared to seedlings phase which were only 237,400 stomata/mm2. The highest leaf chlorophyll content was found in leaves exposed to the sunlights in the east canopy by 0.0252 m/L while those shade leaves containing 0.0208 mg/L. Likewise, leaf chlorophyll content is higher in tree level phase of 0.0235 mg/L while in the seedling phase it was only 0.0186 mg/L. There was a significant relationship between stomata characteristics and chlorophyll content in leaves with environmental factors. The higher the place to a height of 153 m above sea level, the number of stomata increases as well, and the higher the light intensity of a place is directly proportional to its chlorophyll content. Study of genetic can increase growth of plants by providing genotypes with a more efficient combination of physiological processes for a particular environment.

Keywords: Gofasa (Vitex Cofassus Reinw), leaf stomata, chlorophyll content, tree growth phase, canopy direction

Topic: Sustainable Development

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Siti Halimah Larekeng)

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