Peak-flow Hydrograph Assessment in Determining Flood Potential Hazard in Tamanroya River. Devi Ayu Puspita (a*), Farouk Maricar (b), Mukhsan Putra Hatta (b)
a) Graduated Student of Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University
b) Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University
Flood hazard is the biggest problem triggering a massive damage. Jeneponto Regency had been hit by greatest flood ever in 2019. In this case, it leads dozen victims as well as properties because Tamanroya river occured overflow. Hydrograph flood depicts risk-level of event. GIS is basic tool to represent watershed model and flow accumulation. Analyzing flood hydrograph in three sub-watershed areas with three diverse areas, namely- (1) watershed area1 is 29,737 km2, (2) watershed area2 is 51,03 km2, (3) watershed area 3 is 113,18 km2 was conducted in this study. Comparison of hydrograph flood of three sub-watershed areas can be determined flood potential based three results of peak-flow hydrograph respectively.
Keywords: Flood Hazard, Peak-flood Hydrograph, GIS (Geographic information System).