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Management Strategies to Protect Coastal Areas from Oil-Polluted Seawater (A Case Study of Coastal Areas in Bekasi Regency)
Pramadania Agustine (a&b*), Herman Parung (a), Peter Davey (b), Chris Frid (b)

a) Graduate School Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea. Graduate School Building, Makassar, 90245. South Sulawesi, Indonesia

b) Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Queensland, Australia


Following an oil spill in the western Java Sea, in July 2019, the issue of oil pollution has received heightened interest. More and more people in Indonesia are increasingly aware that environmental damage will be a serious threat to the sustainability of ecosystems and environmental services. Given that oil pollution does not only endanger the aquatic ecosystem but also the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem, it is important to encourage the involvement of stakeholders to contribute to efforts to prevent and/or minimize the impact of oil pollution in coastal areas that may arise in the future. Thus, since oil pollution is extremely harmful not only to aquatic ecosystems, but also terrestrial ecosystems, coastal management strategies are urgently required to minimize the impact of oil pollution in the future. The overall aim of this research is to provide recommendations for policy formulations that may be adopted by the relevant local government to protect coastal areas from sea water contaminated with oil. To achieve this objective, the operational objectives are: 1) to analyse the extent to which community perceptions of risk to oil spills affect their preparedness in the face of such events- 2) to formulate alternative strategies for the management of coastal areas threatened by oil pollution as part of an effort to maintain the sustainable development of the Java Sea coastline, specifically in this study, the Muara Gembong District. This research uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches, including Statistical analysis, Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The type of data collected will be primary data and secondary data which are sourced from experts and agencies engaged in the management of the coastal and marine environments

Keywords: environmental impacts- oil pollution- coastal development

Topic: Socio-Economy Development

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