An Investigation of Aquifer Potential in Karst Area Using Geoelectric Approch with Schlumberger Configuration: A Case Study of Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Eko Wibowo (1), Rahmawati Fitrianingtyas (1*), Riska Aprilia Triyadi (2), Haris Muhlisin (1)
1) Geophysical Engineering Department, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, No.104, Condong Catur, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 552811
2) Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, No.104, Condong Catur, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 552812
This study investigates aquifer potential in the karst area of Gunungkidul using the Schlumberger configuration of geoelectrical method. Measurements were conducted at 6 points along a path measuring 420 metres in length. The inversion technique was employed for the analysis of the data, with the objective of mapping the subsurface resistivity. The findings reveal significant variations in resistivity values, indicating the predominance of massive limestone with high resistivity across several soundings. Low resistivity patterns suggest the presence of perched aquifer, particularly at 12 meters in the second sounding, 13 meters in the third sounding, and 95,8 meters in the sixth sounding. However, the overall analysis indicates no distinct resistivity patterns indicating large-scale aquifers suitable for extensive utilization. These results underscore the complexity of aquifer distribution in karst landscapes, emphasizing the need for further research to enhance water resource management and sustainable development in the region.