Analysis of Mangrove Forest Vegetation Diversity (Location: Karimunjawa and Yogyakarta) Johan Danu Prasatya1, Avido Yulistan2, Purvadi Wahiyuni3, Fitrian Nujud Priyandeni 4, Hasna Ivithania Putri 5, Reshinda Zulfa 6
UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta
Mangrove forests are unique and diverse ecosystems, found in tropical and subtropical intertidal regions, especially in Indonesia. Mangrove ecosystems grow on sheltered beaches, lagoons, and river estuaries that are affected by the tides of sea water. The ecological function of mangroves is very important as a coastal protector from abrasion, a control of the rate of sedimentation in the upper reaches of the river, a control of the rate of seawater intrusion, a protected habitat for various marine life, and productivity for aquaculture commodities. The purpose of this study is to determine the diversity index and water quality in 3 mangrove forest locations, namely Karimunjawa, Kulonprogo, and Baros. The method used is purposive sampling with data collection directly in the field. The results obtained were that the diversity index value in the three locations was relatively low and in the range of 0 - 0.7552, and the quality of the aquatic environment in the three locations was relatively good.