Extraction of Keratin Protein from Waste Chicken Feathers: The Effect of NaOH Concentration and Time Sri Wahyu Murni, Tutik Muji Setyoningrum, Herry Sofyan, Alim Nurjanah and Sandika Perdana Putra
1Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia
E-mail address sriwahyumurni[at]upnyk.ac.id
Chicken feathers contains about 4-6% of total weight of chicken are most influential waste by-product from poultry farm and slaughter. Keratin protein is a fibrous protein that primar constituen of featrhers and is used in several application. This present work, protein was extracted from waste chicken feather and then protein powder was produced from drying of protein solution extract. The objective of this research was characterization the protein extract and to study the influence concentration NaOH anf time on yield protein extract. Experimental results on extrcation protein shows that at concentration NaOH was 1,75 N and 90 minute, yiels of crude protein was 94,8%. This is concluded that hydrolytic process can used to produced soluble protein. Caracterization powder protein extract by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) shows that the protein extract remained their characteristic as protein.