Analysis of Potential Land Movements Using the Microseismic Method Muhammad Faizal Zakaria1, Y. Yatini1, Elsha Risnanda2, 3Suharwanto
1Department of Geophysics Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta
2Geophysics Department, FMIPA, Universitas Gadjah
3Department of Environmental engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta
Landslides are disaster events that often occur in the Wonolelo area. One of the landslide disaster mitigation activities is knowing the potential for soil movement of an area using Microseismic because this method can provide subsurface information. This study uses the Microseismic method to determine the potential for soil movement in Wonolelo village. The acquisition of Microseismic data was taken at 15 points Wonolelo area. The acquisition was carried out using a Lennarts 3D/20s broadband frequency Seismometer. After that, the HVSR processing method was carried out to obtain the dominant frequency and amplification values, and the values of the Seismic Vulnerability Index (Kg) and Ground Shear Strain (GSS) were calculated. From the analysis results obtained in the western part of Wonolelo village, there is a high GSS value (10-4) which means that in that area there will be cracks and landslides when an earthquake occurs. The study area has a high GSS value in the west, but the elevation in this area is relatively low. but there is no potential for landslides to occur.