VILLAGE POTENTIAL MAPPING IN AN EFFORTS TO DEVELOP TOURISM VILLAGES IN KARANG ASEM VILLAGE PALIYAN GUNUNG KIDUL A.Y.N. Warsiki(a*), Gunawan Nusanto(b), Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha(c), Istiana Rahatmawati(d), Heti Herastuti(e), Tuti Styaningrum(f)
a d Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
b c Fakultas Teknik Mineral UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
e f Fakultas Pertanian UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
Efforts to implement village development that have an impact on improving the welfare of village communities can be realized through development strategies, one of which is through efforts to develop Tourism Villages. Karang Asem Village is one of the villages in Kapanewon Paliyan, Gunungkidul Regency which is expected to develop as a Tourism Village with its natural wealth. The purpose of this Research Activity is to carry out mapping of Village potential which includes village tourism maps and mapping of village potential from social, economic and environmental aspects. The method used is through Forum Group Discussion (FGD) and observation. This activity is expected to be useful for formulating development strategies, especially the management of Tourism Villages.
Keywords: Improving Community Welfare, Tourism Village, Village Potential Mapping