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Differences in the Influence of Basketball for Male and Female Students on Improving Physical Fitness
Tri Saptono 1, Sumintarsih 2 and Hanafi Mustofa 3

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta


Research objectives: 1) The influence of basketball on improving physical fitness in male students. 2) The influence of basketball on improving physical fitness in female students 3). Differences in the influence of basketball on improving physical fitness between male and female students.
This research uses an experimental method. The population in this research is students of the UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta Communication Science Study Program who are taking the Sports II course in basketball. The data analysis technique for this research uses the T Test. Test the prerequisites for data analysis using the normality test and homogeneity test.
Research results: 1) The influence of basketball for male students has an average of 2.625 on increasing physical fitness. 2) The influence of basketball for female students has an average of 4.686666667 on increasing physical fitness. 3) The difference in the influence of basketball on improving the physical fitness of male students and female students is 2.061666667.

Keywords: Physical Fitness, Basketball

Topic: Social Science

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