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Locations, Processing Methods, and Applications Rare Earth Elements in Indonesia : Review
Yasmina Amalia, Muhammad Syukron, Tri Wahyuningsih, Atik Setyani, Dania Hellin Amrina, Hazim Haikal Labib, Ikhwan Pudyastomo, Leona Agudina Wijanarka

Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Indonesia is one of the countries with very high potential mineral reserves. In addition to metals such as nickel, gold and copper, Indonesia also has high reserves of rare earth metals and is now in demand worldwide. Rare Earth Element materials are now being sought after because they are considered as basic materials for future technologies that continue to develop. This paper presents an overview of research studies on Rare Earth Element in Indonesia, ranging from the locations of rare metals, processing methods, to application of rare metals. This research uses a literature study method that uses data obtained not from direct observation. The data found is taken from previous research results, then identification and analysis activities are carried out regarding the Rare Earth Element. In recent times, Rare Earth Element minerals have become a topic of discussion, this is because these minerals have become commodities that have economic value and are widely used as raw materials for modern community equipment and technology ranging from computers, cell phones, televisions, environmentally friendly lamps and power plants, and military equipment. Therefore, the description and study of the locations of rare metals, processing methods, and the benefits of Rare Earth Element must be researched as well as possible.

Keywords: Processing Methods, Application, Rare Earth Elements, Indonesia

Topic: Engineering

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