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Jamzani Sodik, Eko Murdiyanto, dan Wahyu Dwi ArtaningtyasPlease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


This study aims to determine how much rice production in Bantul regency year 2017- 2023, and to find out how the level of productivity of paddy fields. The initial idea of this study was due to the increasing population in Bantul District from 2017-2023 which led to the conversion of paddy fields to settlements, this would reduce the resources of agricultural land for rice production. This study uses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach, while the data needed in this study is secondary data obtained from BPS Bantul Regency and analyzed using Microsoft Excel by comparing the demand (demand) and the supply (supply). To find out the level of productivity of paddy fields used the carrying capacity of agricultural land formula. Based on the results of the analysis, it is found that from the side of the demand or need for rice in 2023, it can be calculated based on the population and physical consumption figures of 97939,61223 tons. While the results of calculations in terms of availability or production of rice in the Bantul Regency in 2023 amounted to 11197.69707 tons. So if we compare the needs with availability, Bantul Regency has a deficit which means that the number of rice needs in the Bantul Regency in 2023 is below the demand or demand rate. Furthermore, if seen from the productivity level of paddy fields in 2023 based on rice production or availability, it shows that Bantul Regency has a deficit with availability of 0.014279007 tons, this figure is below the minimum physical consumption figure of Bantul Regency population of 0.124 or equivalent to 342 gr/person/day. Productivity based on the carrying capacity of agricultural land also experienced a deficit, the value of a indicates 0.0000001458, less than 1 (a <1) which means that the Bantul Regency is no longer capable of food self-sufficiency.

Keywords: Productivity, Rice Fields, Rice Production, Rice Needs

Keywords: Productivity, Rice Fields, Rice Production, Rice Needs

Topic: Agriculture

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