RESPONSIBILITY OF PSB (Photosynthetic Bacteria) AND JAKABA ON THE GROWTH OF BANANA KEPOK BUNG Rina Srilestari, Ari Wijayani, Suwardi, Krisnandini Wahyu Pratiwi, Jacqueline Olivia Permata, Aisyah Rizta Oktaviana, Maura Bennyta
Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The post-acclimatization growth of banana kepok Bung is influenced by nutrition. Nutrients must be able to be absorbed by plant roots that are not yet so strong and perfectly formed. POC will be effective because of its nutrient content that easily decomposed. The study^s primary goal was to obtain kepok banana bung seedlings from tissue culture with good growth in the field using PSB and POC Jakaba. The study used a split plots design in a field experiment, the main plot representing the concentration of PSB (10, 15, 20 ml/ L with subplots measuring the consentration of jakaba (10, 20, 30 ml/L). Data were analyzed for diversity at the 5% level and further tested with DMRT at the 5% level. There is an interaction in the treatment combination of PSB concentration 10 ml/L with Jakaba 10 ml/L on plant height and number of leaves.