Evaluating the Effects of Sargassum Extract on the Early Growth Stages of Lokananta True Shallot Seed Tuti Setyaningrum(a), Arif Umami (a), Ari Wijayani (a), Annasta Febryanti (a), Siswanti (b)
a) Department of Agrotechnology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
b) Department of Chemical Engineering, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
True Shallot Seed (TSS) is a planting material with advantages in quantity and quality of bulb production compared to bulb seeds. However, farmers are reluctant to use TSS because it takes longer in the nursery. Therefore, cultivation technology is needed to shorten the time for TSS to become ready-to-plant seeds. One technology that can be used is natural ZPT contained in Sargassum seaweed to stimulate plant growth. This study aimed to determine the effect of Sargassum extract on Lokananta TSS. The study used a completely randomized design with nine treatments including S0 (control/without sargassum), S1 (Sargassum Extract- Autoclave 5 ml/L), S2 (Sargassum Extract- Autoclave 10 ml/L), S3 (Sargassum Extract- Autoclave 15 ml/L), S4 (Sargassum Extract- Autoclave 20 ml/L), S5 (Sargassum Extract- Enzyme 5 ml/L), S6 (Sargassum Extract- Enzyme 10 ml/L), S7 (Sargassum Extract- Enzyme 15 ml/L), S8 (Sargassum Extract- Enzyme 20 ml/L). All treatments were carried out with three replications. The data obtained were then analyzed using ANNOVA and continued with the DMRT test. The results showed that TSS treated with sargassum had faster growth than the control.