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Characteristics of Leachate and Its impact on River Water Quality (Case Study: Tanjungrejo Landfill Jekulo District, Kudus Regency, Central Java Province)
Tissia Ayu Algary, Titi Tiara Anasstasia, Arika Bagus Perdana, Agus Bambang Irawan, Ziyaadatus Sayyidatur Rohmah, Anwar Rusydi, Farhan Mahbudin Lathif

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


The Tanjungrejo landfill site, covering an area of approximately 5.6 hectares, is located in Jekulo District, Kudus Regency, Central Java Province. This landfill employs a open dumping semi controlled landfill method for waste management which has led to several environmental issues, one of which is leachate problems. This study aims to assess how the characteristics of leachate from the landfill affect the quality of the Pigi river water. The methods used in this study include purposive sampling for collecting water samples of the river water and leachate samples and laboratory analysis to test the river water quality and leachate samples for parameters such as COD, BOD, and heavy metals. From the analysis of the sample data in this study, it can be concluded that the quality of leachate discharged from the IPL outlet into the river still exceeds the quality standard for the COD parameter, which is 9.225 mg/L. The leachate from Tanjungrejo landfill tends to be non-biodegradable, as indicated by a BOD/COD ratio of < 0.1. The discharged of leachate from the IPL into the river affects the river water quality status to moderately polluted. An evaluation of improvements for the IPL treatment is needed, focusing on reducing COD and Fe levels in leachate by added particularly non-biological treatment, in order to contribute to the enhancement of the Pigi River^s water quality status as the receiving surface water body for the leachate.

Keywords: landfill, leachate, waste management

Topic: Engineering

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