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The Effect of Coconut Shell Biochar and Sheep Manure on Corn Plant Growth
Susila Herlambang (a*), Danang Yudhiantoro (b), Muammar Gomareuzzaman (c), Roy zihan Maulana Gifari (a), and Lidya Teresa Sitinjak(a)

a) Department of soil science, Faculty of Agriculture, universitas pembangunan nasional veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
* susilaherlambang[at]upnyk.ac.id
b) Department of Management, Faculty of Business Economics,universitas pembangunan nasional veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology,universitas pembangunan nasional veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The corn plant or Zea mays L. is a monoecious plant where the male flowers are located separately from the female flowers on one plant. Organic material is material that comes from fresh waste and/or has undergone decomposition and functions as a source of nutrition and/or soil improvement (soil amelioration). Biochar is a processed material from organic waste which functions as a supplier of soil carbon. Meanwhile, sheep manure is known to contain the macro nutrients N, P, K and various essential minerals, sheep manure also contains various types of bacteria, both beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria. The aim of this research is to utilize organic waste from solid sheep manure as a source of nutrients and process coconut shell waste into biochar (active biological charcoal) which functions as a temporary transit space for nutrients. This research was carried out in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Veteran National Development University, Yogyakarta, with the type of soil used being Entisol which comes from the sandy land of Samas Beach, Yogyakarta without any shade above it. This research uses survey techniques and descriptive methods, with the research stages starting from taking samples of Entisol directly. The design that will be used in the research is a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor, namely coconut shell biochar (B) which consists of 4 treatments and the second factor, namely solid sheep manure (K) which consists of 4 treatments. Each treatment will be repeated three times, so that a total of 48 experimental units are obtained. Soil analysis was carried out at the Soil Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture and FTIR and SEM analysis was carried out at MIPA UGM Yogyakarta. The treatment of adding coconut shell biochar with a dose of 20 tons/ha with solid sheep manure with a dose of 5 tons/ha (B3K2) showed the highest value, namely 141.7 cm. Significant results regarding the number of corn plant leaves occurred in the treatment of coconut shell biochar at a dose of 0 tons/ha with solid sheep manure at a dose of 7.5 tons/ha (B0K3), namely with a total of 13 leaves

Keywords: Biochar- Organic Manure- Soil- Waste Organic

Topic: Agriculture

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