mapping traffic congestion of roads with high velocity ratio in DIY region
Sri Suharsih (a*), Asih Sri Winarti (b*), Eko Amiadji Julianto (c*)

a) Faculty of Economy and Business UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia * sri.suharsih[at]
b) Faculty of Economy and Business UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Agriculture UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This paper aims to analyze the mapping and economic impact of traffic congestion on highways with high volume capacity (VC) ratios in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The methods used are survey and data analysis. The results of the study indicate that traffic congestion in Yogyakarta is caused by an increase in the number of motorized vehicles and a lack of road facilities. The VC ratio analysis shows that several road sections have high levels of congestion, which have an impact on high social costs, environmental pollution, and energy waste. This study also found that the implementation of intermodality and energy efficiency can help reduce congestion and improve the quality of road services. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that the government and road operators continue to innovate and reactivate the transportation system to improve the quality of service and meet the needs of the community.

Keywords: mapping, traffic congestion

Topic: Social Science

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