A Review: Transport Phenomena in Metal Powders Processings
Hendy Roesma Wardhana, Mansyur Abdul Shaleh, Imam Prasetyo, Meirinda Anggrita Sari, Annida Justisia Mafruhah, Muhammad Ichsan, Naufal Fajar Gumati, Dwi Putra Prihandoyo

Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


The era of Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a solution and also as a challenge for the manufacturing industry in the future. The development of upstream industries in terms of mineral and raw material processing need aware for following AM era. The demand for minerals as raw materials are predicted to increase to fulfil the market. However, the mitigation in the form of metal recycling is a key to prepare the AM era considering that mineral resources are limited in nature. Based on the latest technological developments, additive manufacturing by utilizing secondary resources is an interesting topic to develop. This review paper was conducted to provide a review of the metal atomization process as an additive manufacturing material from various feedstock materials. The discussion of the atomization process is carried out by comparing three methods, such as gas atomization, centrifugal atomization, and high remelting spheroidization. The conclusions of ideas consider the characteristics of the method, the operating process, and the powder morphology results.

Keywords: Additive manufacturing, metal recycling, atomization process.

Topic: Engineering

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