The Reservoir Potential of Ngrayong Formation: Surface Data Integration
Wahyuni Annisa Humairoh, Istiana, Fauzan Irfandy, Aga Rizky, Daniel Radityo

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


The Ngrayong Formation is one of the main reservoirs in the North East Java Basin. In several areas, it has been found that the sandstone interval has low resistivity values, which is generally immediately interpreted as a wet reservoir (does not contain hydrocarbons). To understand this condition, several methods such as XRD analysis and petrography are used to see the potential conductive mineral content in the reservoir. the absence of hydrocarbon content may not cause the Ngrayong Formation in several areas which have low resistivity values, but reservoirs containing hydrocarbons have the same resistivity values or even lower than reservoirs containing water caused by conductive minerals. Conductive minerals present: siderite, pyrite, and glauconite, which are thought to be one of the causes of low resistivity cases in the Ngrayong Formation.

Keywords: Ngrayong, Low Resistivity Reservoir, Facies

Topic: Engineering

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