Hydraulic Fracturing Stimulation Planning While Considering Formation Damage Caused by Fracturing Fluid a) Petroleum Engineering Department, UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract ^X^ well is a well with a productive sandstone formation with a productuvit index value of 0,1 bfpd/psi. Based on the screening results, hydraulic fracturing stimulation will be conducted on the ^X^ well. In this case, the hydraulic fracturing fluid design is simulated using FracCADE 7.0 software. The method used for designing the fracturing involves studying data covering ^X^ well information about reservoir characteristics and parameters, well data, and rock geomechanic data. For the fracture model, the Perkins, Kern, and Nordgren (PKN) fracture model is used. The proppant design and fracturing fluid selection will be based on the existing database in the software with several conditions. The result were obtained from the YF135.1HTD fracturing fluid of the crosslinked fluid type with Carbolite proppant measuring 12/18 mesh. The geometric model applied uses the PKN method with results of a fracture length of 463,9 ft, fracture height of 9,84 ft, fracture width of 0,37 inch, and fracture conductivity of 77063 md.ft using a total volume of fracturing fluid of 13500 gallons and a total mass of proppant. amounting to 40590 lbs. The required surface injection pressure is 4176,13 psi with an injection rate of 18 bpm and a total pumping time of 20,2 minutes. The performance improvement of the ^X^ well was in the form of average formation permeability from 29,2 mD to 369,4 mD, an increase in productivity index of 6,5 times and an increase in production rate from 50,46 bfpd to 296,48 bfpd. So the planning of the hydraulic fracturing design for the ^X^ Well can be considered for implementation. Keywords: Hydraulic Fracturing- Proppant- Fracturing Fluid- Productivity Index Topic: Engineering |
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