IMPROVING THE COMPETENCY OF ACADEMIC WRITING FOR STUDENTS OF THE PUBLIC RELATIONS STUDY PROGRAM IN ACCREDITED NATIONAL JOURNAL PUBLISHERS THROUGH A COLLABORATIVE LEARNING APPROACH Univeritas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta Abstract This research discusses the ability to write academic journal papers for students. This research aims to (1) determine students^ achievements in writing academic works in accredited national journals and (2) improve students^ abilities in writing academic skill in scientific journals based on final assignment data that has novelty value so that it can be published in accredited national journals. This research uses a qualitative approach and research design in the form of observation and focus group discussion (FGD). Data analysis went through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results offer two solutions for the UPNVY Public Relations Study Program, namely first, creating a curriculum that requires students to produce output in the form of scientific articles published in accredited national journals. Second, the Final Project alternative for students is not only a thesis, but can be a scientific article published in an accredited national journal or a reputable international journal. Keywords: academic writing skills, accredited national journals Topic: Social Science |
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