Identification of Morphological Character of Periwinkle Genotypes (Catharantus roseus)
Endah Wahyurini (a*), Ami Suryawati (a), Lelanti Peniwiratri (b), Dea Afirsta (a)

a) Agrotechnology, Faculty Agriculture, Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta Univesity, Indonesia
Jl. SWK 104, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283
b)Soil Science, Faculty Agriculture, Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta Univesity, Indonesia


Breeders need to know the morphological characteristics and heritability values of periwinkle plants to increase genetic diversity, selection to improve the quality and quantity of ornamental plants. The problem faced is that the utilization of periwinkle genotype diversity is less than optimal in selecting crossbred parents for germplasm preservation. This research aims to obtain genetic diversity based on morphology, as well as high heritability values. The research method used a field experiment in a one-factor Completely Randomized Design. The treatments were 8 periwinkle genotypes, namely:Vinca Sultan Mandarin Orange, Vinca Tattoo Papaya, Vinca Sunstorm Light Blue, Vinca Pink Blush, Vinca White,Vinca Victory Blue, Vinca Pink Curly Hallo dan Vinca Ningrum Black Hallo. The results showed that genotype had a significant effect on the growth of plant height, number of leaves and stem diameter. The Vinca Pink Blush periwinkle was significantly taller and had more leaves than the other genotypes. In terms of stem diameter, there was no significant difference between treatments. High heritability values are found in plant height characters

Keywords: periwinkle, genotype, morphological characterization

Topic: Agriculture

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