Thermogenic And Biogenic Coalbed Gas in Samboja Area Kutai Basin East Kalimantan
Teguh Setiawan1, Basuki Rahmad1, Siti Umiyatun1, Sugeng Raharjo1

1Doctoral Program, Geological Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering
Faculty of Technology Mineral and Energy
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Coal is one of the primary non-renewable energy sources in Indonesia. In coal, there are various gases, mainly methane gas. Currently, the utilization of coal gas energy, known as coalbed methane, is very limited. Coal gas origin analysis aims to determine the type of origin gas, thermogenic or biogenic so that this can determine potential areas for coalbed gas exploration and exploitation. A total of 2 drilling wells, X130 and X47, took ten core sample data on coal which were analyzed for gas isotopes d13C1 and dDC1- the result is d13C1 range between -37.3o/oo - (-61.3o/oo) and dDC1 range between -170o/oo - (-267o/oo). Based on gas isotope, it can be interpreted that the Samboja Area has three types of origin gas: biogenic, transition, and thermogenic.

Keywords: Coal, gas isotope, biogenic, thermogenic.

Topic: Engineering

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