Monitoring Magma Deformation and SO2 Concentration of Ili Lewotolo Volcano in Multi-years using NSBAS InSAR and Sentinel-5P
Naufal Setiawan1a, Maulana Yudinugroho1, Wanidya Ni^immallaili Hadining2, Amira Jasmine Dentalisya1, Fadhilla Febriani Khoiru Imroah1, Rana Jaladara1

1Geomatic Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
2Metalurgy Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


In November 2020, the Ili Lewotolo Volcano erupted after eight years of dormancy, releasing ash, hot clouds, lava, and toxic gases. Thus, volcanic activity needs to be monitored periodically. This study analyzed magma movement speed and SO2 concentration after the eruption. Magma velocity was measured using Sentinel-1 images descending orbits with the New Small Baseline Subset (NSBAS) method, and SO2 levels were detected using Sentinel-5P images with Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), both utilizing Python programming. This innovative combination of multi-temporal InSAR and imaging spectrometry offers a new approach to volcano research. Our preliminary results showed a poor correlation in long-term InSAR results from the descending orbit due to dense vegetation. Post-eruption Sentinel-5P results indicated higher SO2 levels around the volcano. Future work will process the ascending orbit of Sentinel-1, correct the SO2 base map, and extend the analysis period.

Keywords: Volcano, InSAR, NSBAS, Sentinel-5P, SO2

Topic: Engineering

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