THE QUALITY OF COMPOST FROM ORGANIC WASTE SLURRY ENRICHED WITH LIVESTOCK WASTE, MAGGOT AND TRICHODERMA, AND ITS EFFECT ON THE GROWTH OF RICE PLANTS IN REGOSOL SOIL UPN VETERAN YOGYAKARTA Abstract Abstract. This research was conducted to determine the characteristics of compost from a combination of organic waste slurry with livestock waste, Maggot and Trichoderma on rice growth and production. The research was carried out in 2 stages, namely Stage 1 the compost making process with 5 types of combination of organic waste slurry with livestock waste, K1: Organic waste slurry, K2: Organic waste slurry and livestock waste (3: 1), K3: Organic waste slurry and livestock waste (2 : 2 ), K4: organic waste slurry and livestock waste (1 : 3), K5: Livestock waste. with 3 types of bioactivators, B0: No bioactivators, B1: Maggot/BSF, B2: Trichoderma. Stage 2. Testing the quality of compost using a Completely Randomized Design with treatment: K0: Soil without compost- K1 - K15 (from a combination of garbage slurry, livestock waste and bioactivators)- K16: Soil with ponska fertilizer (NPK). Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Data processing uses Sidik variance (Anova, 5%) and Duncan^s test (5%). The research results showed that the combination of organic waste slurry with livestock waste, Maggot and Trichoderma had an effect on the characteristics of the compost and increased rice growth and production. The highest quality of livestock waste is found in Chicken livestock waste with a carbon content of 25.29% and a nitrogen content of 2.51%, the quality of the livestock waste mixture has the highest phosphorus content (4.23%). A mixture of goat, chicken and cow livestock waste can improve the quality of waste slurry compost and meets standards. The best compost quality was achieved by treating organic waste and livestock waste compost (3:1) with Maggot bioactivator (BSF). The mixture of waste slurry with livestock waste and bioactivators affects plant height, number of tillers, plant root weight, rice straw weight, number of rice panicles and rice weight. Keywords: compost quality, organic waste slurry, livestock waste, Maggot, Trichoderma, rice, Regosol Topic: Agriculture |
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