Environmental, Motivational, and Personality Factors in the Knowledge Sharing Behavior Relationship Model Framework
Ninik Probosari, Istiana Rahatmawati, Kartika Ayu Ardhanariswari

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


In terms of information sharing behavior, this study attempted to examine the relationship model between environmental factors, motivational factors, individual personality factors, and individual innovation capability. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and organizational climate are examples of environmental elements- work satisfaction, social capital, and trust are examples of motivating factors. Two stages of implementation were used for this study. Initially, we examined the impact of contextual and motivational factors on the behavior of information sharing. Secondly, we examined the impact of environmental circumstances, which are influenced by an individual^s personality, on their capacity for innovation. Simple linear regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression were used to analyze the data. Employees from Tironirmolo, Bantul,DIY and creative economy actors served as an example.

Keywords: Environmental, Motivational, Personality Factors, Knowledge Sharing Behavior

Topic: Social Science

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