Conversion of Tobacco to Alternative Plants in The Perspective of Maqasid Sharia: A Case Study At Rejosari Wonoboyo Temanggung
Agus Miswanto

Sharia Economic Department, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


This research is about the conversion of tobacco plants to alternative plants (guava) in Rejosari, Temanggung. It is, that campaigns to restrict tobacco consumption in public spaces nowadays are louded, and include attempts to replace tobacco crops with other crops, in which the impact of tobacco consumption turns out to be very bad for serious health. This research aims, first of all, to look at a change in people^s mindsets from plants that have always been the only choice in produtive crop to other alternative new plants. Secondly, the growing public consciousness to switch from tobacco to other crops. It is a qualitative research, in which to collect the data was conducted using a depth interview of some key figures in the village of Rejosari. In this study, it was found that the conversion of tobacco plants in Rejosari was successful. And this success was due to two factors, namely, 1) the success of conversion tobacco plant in Rejosari village is due to the leadership of the village leader who succeeded in convincing and inviting the people to switch crops- 2) the success in conversion from tobacco plants to guava plants, because it provides good economic value for the community and is easy to maintain it, so that the community actually enjoys the benefits. In the context of Maqashid Shariah, the conversion of tobacco crops to other crops meets at least two main elements of maqashid, namely keeping the economy of the people in a better direction, and protecting the soul of the community by imposing restrictions on tobacca products that can harm public health.

Keywords: Maqashid Sharia- tobacco restriction- Plant Conversion- Temanggung

Topic: Law

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