Student learning obstacles on sets concept
Redo Martila Ruli (a*), Adi Ihsan Imami (b), Agung Prasetyo Abadi (c), Andaru Retno Kuncoro (d), Ismi Nurkhasanah (e)

(a*),(b), (c), (d), (e) Mathematics Education, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang


Set is one of the main subjects in mathematics and is a material that raises quite a lot of learning obstacles for students. This study aims to identify the learning obstacles that arise and reveal the factors that cause the emergence of these obstacles. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The participants involved in this study were 32 8th grade junior high school stu-dents who had studied set material. The data collection technique in this re-search is to give test questions consisting of four questions. Then the author analyzed each student^s answer and then conducted interviews with four stu-dents who the author considered could represent other students in this study to confirm the students^ answers to the test questions that had been given. In addition to giving tests and conducting interviews, the author also made ob-servations when students took the test. Based on the results and discussion, it was found that some students experienced epistemological obstacles in working on questions about understanding the concept of set material, which led to incomplete student learning. This can be seen from the difficulties ex-perienced by students, not because they do not have knowledge but because of the inaccurate context of knowledge used by students in solving the prob-lems they face.

Keywords: Ontogenical obstacle, didactical obstacle, epistemological obstacle

Topic: Education

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