Description of Implementation of Project Based Learning Model on Creativity Ability of Second Grade Students of SD Islam Ar-Rahiim Balikpapan
Ganjar Susilo (a*), Tri hariyati Nur Indah Sari (b), dan (c) Jihan Mardiyah

a) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Balikpapan Jalan Pupuk Raya, Balikpapan Selatan, 76114 *ganjar.susilo[at]
b) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Balikpapan Jalan Pupuk Raya, Balikpapan Selatan, 76114
c) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Balikpapan Jalan Pupuk Raya, Balikpapan Selatan, 76114


This research aims to describe the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model on flat building materials. The type of research used is a qualitative research method which is descriptive analysis. This research was conducted at Ar-Rahiim Islamic Elementary School, Balikpapan. The subjects in this research were class II-A students who would make a flat building board project totaling 18 people who were divided into 2 groups. Subjects will be given a project assignment in the form of making a flat building board and then presented. The method used is a qualitative research method which is descriptive analysis. The subjects of this research were obtained using Purposive Sampling techniques. The data collection techniques used are observation and documentation. Observations were made during the learning process, project results, and student presentations. Observation of students^ creative abilities is assessed using 4 aspects, namely flexibility, fluency, elaboration, originality. The results of the research can be concluded that the application. The Project Based Learning model can foster students^ creative abilities and determine their level of creativity. This can be seen from the research results, group 1 is classified as high creativity with the criteria of aspects of less flexibility, good fluency, good elaboration, and good originality. Group 2 is also classified as high creativity, with the criteria being quite good flexibility, less fluency, good elaboration, and quite good originality

Keywords: Project Based Learning, Creativity Ability, Qualitative

Topic: Education

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