Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level
Tia Laelasari (a), Neni Sri Gunarti (b*), Eko Sri Wahyuningsih (c), Aliffia Dwi Rahma (d), Dinda Revalina Putri (e), Tiurdia Pandiangan (f), Zahra Adisty Rahma (g)

(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) Faculty of Pharmacy
Buana Perjuangan Karawang university, Indonesia


Kombucha is one of the probiotic fermented drinks produced through a consortium of bacteria and yeast known as Scoby (Symbiotic Culture/Colony Bacteria &- Yeast) as an initial culture that helps in the fermentation process. Kombucha also contains organic acids, one of which is ascorbic acid where ascorbic acid is also present in Tomatoes that can help whiten teeth. The purpose of this riset was to see the level of tooth brightness as whitening and reduce the effect of erosion on tooth specimens after applying tomato kombucha patch preparations. This research was conducted using the dependent variable and independent variable methods. With the independent variable in the form of variations in the length of fermentation time for kombucha and tomato fruit kombucha in the preparation of teeth whitening patches and the dependent variable is evaluation before the patch is formed and evaluation after the patch is formed. The results of the tomato kombucha patch formulation after the application process can increase the brightness of the teeth but in the erosivity test the tomato patch formulation has a smaller erosion effect than the tomato kombucha patch formulation seen from the results of the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) characteristic test. The implication of this riset is the formulation of the tomato kombucha patch only has the potential to increase the brightness of teeth because the ascorbic acid content produced after the combination process of fermenting kombucha tea with tomatoes increases significantly.

Keywords: Tomato- Patch Formulation- Kombucha tea

Topic: Medicine & Health Sciences

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