Agrissto Bintang Aji Pradana (1)*, Putri Meinita Triana (2), Tri Pujiani (3), Aprilia Erin (4)

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang (1) (2) (4)
Universitas Harapan Bangsa (3)


Technology has become an integral aspect of learning in recent years. It may be introduced into different phases of language acquisition. It may be utilized not just to help pupils comprehend, but also in examinations. Especially digital media, it might enhance students^ enthusiasm to learn. This study seeks to provide an overview of language learning digital media utilized for classroom activities in the previous five years. It only focuses on Teaching English for young Learners. The articles presented are focused on learning English in primary school. The PRISMA framework is used to filter the articles in ERIC, which is utilized as a database. 301 articles were collected in the initial phase that were relevant to the keywords specified. However, only 32 papers were considered most relevant to the topic and study aims in the final phase. The articles are from seven different nations and use 14 digital media, eight card-based activities, five bard games, and the remainder do not specify any specific digital media. The influence of this media ranges from raising motivation to comprehension, language abilities, linguistic correctness, vocabulary, and grammar. However, there are barriers to its deployment, such as insufficient facilities and instructor expertise in adopting digital media. There are also guidelines for English instructors to prepare themselves and their facilities to increase the quality of learning using digital media. Actually, there is one area that has not been well explored, such as correlation between method and differentiated learning, particularly in the current curriculum.

Keywords: digital, English, media

Topic: Engineering

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