Creative Thinking Learning Strategy for Thematic Subject Learning Outcomes at MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan
Aulia Puspita Saputri- Ahwy Oktradiksa*- Norma Dewi Shalikhah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


This research aims to determine the learning strategy at MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan, the implementation of the Creative Thinking Learning Strategy and the effectiveness of implementing the Creative Thinking Learning Strategy to improve thematic learning outcomes at MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan. This research is quantitative research using experimental methods. The subjects in this research were class V students at MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan and the population was the entire MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan about 135 students, and samples were drawn using the census method, namely the entire population was used as the research sample about 23 students. The data collection technique uses student learning outcomes tests in the form of Pretest and Post Test results, as well as data analysis techniques using the normality test and continued with hypothesis testing using the t test. The results of the research obtained pretest scores which were tested on 23 class V students, 5 students obtained scores above the KKM 75, then learning was carried out using the Creative Thinking Learning Strategy and continued with a Post Test with the same questions, 19 students obtained scores above the KKM 75. From normality test, obtained a value of Lo = 0.809 for the Pretest and Lo = 0.133 for the Post Test which is smaller than the L table value = 0.175 so that the students^ Pretest and Post Test scores are normally distributed. From the results of data processing using SPSS version 26.0 df, the output result was a df value of 22, degrees of freedom of 0.05, and a t table value of 2,093. Thus, because the calculated t value is 10.924 > t table 2.093, then according to the basis for decision making above, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be explained that there is a significant t table influence of creative thinking learning strategies on thematic learning outcomes.

Keywords: Creative Thinking- Learning Result- Thematic Lesson

Topic: Education

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